Archive | September, 2009


24 Sep

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This is brand new. Welcome to the first post of the European Law Blog here at the University of Greenwich. This blog is designed to assist students in navigating through the subject of European Union Law. The blog will have links to articles (academic, newspaper etc), european case law and any other material that is of a european nature. It is hoped that this blog will point students in the right direction and enhance the experience of the course. The blog will be updated regularly (hopefully weekly).

Websites will appear in the ‘blogroll’ column. Special note must be made of the links to EUR-Lex and EUROPA. EUR-Lex provides direct free access to European Union Law. There you can consult the Official Journal of the European Union as well as the treaties, legislation, case-law and legislative proposals. You can also use the extensive search facilities available. EUROPA is the parent site of EUR-Lex and sets out all the documents available and will help you find the document you need. It is divided into three sections to facilitate access to legislation, activity reports, audio/visual material, internal documents and archives.